My History

My main coding history started in 2012 whereupon I got my first "dev" job at StandardBank as a COBOL developer. I had studied IT/Multimedia at the Tshwane University of Technology. I was drawn to Java and web technologies so when I was placed in a space such as COBOL, I was a bit hesitant to actually put myself fully into the role. However, it was a worthwhile experience.

I built this blog using Strapi as the CMS and Gatsby as the front-end. I have a few personal and freelance projects that I want to do and these will be mostly based on this stack. I will also write up a tutorial on how to integrate the two (don't worry it is not a daunting task as it sounds).

I eventually started SYSINFO which was my web dev company what I must say I have been neglecting for quite some time, I have also built a couple of websites for clients, however, it was never something advanced, just enough to make a quick buck. I was still wet behind the ears when I started the company (still am), so it was just your basic HTML/CSS websites with a bit of Bootstrap and jQuery in the mix.

The rise of Angular

My eyes were then opened to the world of the MEAN stack, which incorporated MongoDB, Express, Angularjs, and Nodejs. I was Hooked 😍


From there onwards I pushed myself on the side to learn as many web technologies as I could (not a good idea). This made things feel harder than it should have been and actually added some anxiety about my capabilities. I was eventually let into a new project at the bank which allowed me to practice and further my web development skills. The rest, as they say, is history...


I am now planning on building myself up from the bottom and now look through the world of web development with new eyes and mindset. It has not been an easy journey but it is one that I plan on taking in my stride. It is also a way to give back to the community that has been of great inspiration to me and has allowed me to get to where I am now.